It's like pong, but stupid! Originally made for a school project we were supposed to make in 1 week, I really enjoyed making it so i just kept going. Stupid Pong is pretty much what the title implies, Pong, but with stupid gimmicks added! The entire game is based on physics, with your paddles constantly rotating. You can change the rotation speed with A/Left arrow and D/Right arrow.

Play a series of levels with increasingly funny and stupid gimmicks, making the game play completely different every level! Play against friends with 2 Player mode, or against a really stupid AI! There are currently 25 levels in the game, with maybe more being added soon? Depends on how original the game dev is.

Originally supposed to be a spin-off of an old GameBoy game called Kuru Kuru Kururin, with this game originally being "Pong but your paddle is replaced by a Kuru Kuru Kururin character", it eventually branched out into a game full of gimmicks, heavily inspired by PONGS ( 

I hope you enjoy this little game of mine! Have fun breaking the sound barrier by putting the pong ball into a particle accelerator!

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